About us
Who we are
African Books Collective (ABC) is an African owned, worldwide marketing and distribution outlet for books from Africa - scholarly, literature and children's books. We also run the website readafricanbooks.com which profiles the work of African publishers and books.
ABC is a collective owned by its founder publishers. The founder publishers elect a five-member Council of Management which meets annually. The Council of Management is responsible for setting the collective’s strategy and for its representation in the wider book and publishing world.
ABC is a UK-registered not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. It has three UK directors who are legally responsible for the company. ABC seeks to be profit making on behalf of its publishers, and is non-profit making on its own behalf.
In 1985 a group of publishers met to address the constraints they were experiencing in marketing and distributing their books outside of their domestic markets. They founded ABC as a collective self-help initiative to strengthen their economic base and meet the needs of libraries and other book buyers. With initial support from funding agencies, trading began in 1989. Major remodelling of the collective took place in 2007, when it became self-financing. New opportunities afforded by the evolution of digital publishing and electronic books were seized upon, with ABC playing a key role in the digitisation of African cultural output. While adapting to changing markets and methodologies, ABC’s founding ethos and aims remain unchanged, and ABC remains a not-for-profit organisation on its own behalf.
ABC Participating Publishers
- Foundation for Education with Production, Gaborone
- Lightbooks Publishers, Gaborone
- Bakwa Books, Yaounde
- Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group, Bamenda
- Muntu Institute Press. Yaounde
- Peacock Writers Series, Douala
- Spears Media Press, Bamenda
- Forum for Social Studies, Addis Ababa
- Shama Books, Addis Ababa
The Gambia
- Centre for Media and Development Research in Africa (CENMEDRA), Bakau
- Educational Services, Serekunda
- Sunrise Publishers, Banjul
- Afram Publications (Ghana) Ltd, Accra
- Africa Christian Press, Accra
- Amanza, Accra
- Asdan Vision Books, Accra
- Educatioanal Logistics, Accra
- Freedom Publications, Accra
- Ghana Universities Press, Accra
- Smartline Limted, Accra
- Sub-Saharan Publishers, Accra
- United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources, Accra
- Woeli Publishing Services, Accra
- Bookmark Africa, Nairobi
- East African Educational Publishers, Nairobi
- Focus Publications, Nairobi
- University of Nairobi Press, Nairobi
- LawAfrica, Nairobi
Lawcroft Publishers, Nairobi
- Longhorn Publishers, Nairobi
- Mau Mau Research Centre (MMRC), Nairobi
- Marimba Publications, Nairobi
- Mdahalo Bridging Divides, Nairobi
- Moran Publishers, Nairobi
- Mystery Publishers, Nakuru
- Nala Feminist Collective, Nairobi
- Syokimau Cultural Centre, Nairobi
- Twaweza Communications, Nairobi
- Vita Books, Nairobi
- Zand Graphics, Nairobi
- Zapf Chancery Publications Africa, Limuru
- Kachere Series, Zomba
- Livingstonia Press, Mzuzu
- Luviri Press, Mzuzu
- Montfort Media, Balaka
- Mzuni Press, Mzuzu
- TSM Press, Zomba
- Editions Vizavi, Port Louis
- University of Mauritius Press, Réduit
- Editions du Sirocco, Casablanca
- Senso Unico Editions, Mohammedia
Editora Trinta Zero Nove, Maputo
- The Basler Afrika Bibliographien
- Reader in Namibian Sociology
- University of Namibia Press, Windhoek
- African Heritage Press, Lagos
- Alpha Crownes Publishing, Lagos
- Baron's Cafe, Lagos
- Bayero University Press, Kano
- The Book Company Ltd., Lagos
- Bookbuilders: Editions Africa, Ibadan
- CSS Ltd, Lagos
- Fourth Dimension Publishing Co. Ltd., Enugu
- Frontier Press, Lagos
- FrontPage Media, Lagos
- Graduke Publishers, Ibadan
- Handel Books, Eastern Nigeria
HEBN (Nigeria) plc, Ibadan
- Human Change Communications Company, Lagos
Ibadan Cultural Studies Group, Ibadan
Ibadan University Press, Ibadan
- Impeccable Publications
- Kemuela Publications, Port Harcourt
- Kraft Publications
- Kwara State University Press, Malete
- Maiyati Chambers, Lagos
- Malthouse Press Ltd., Lagos
- M & J Grand Orbit Communications, Port Harcourt
- New Horn Press Ltd, Ibadan
- Onyoma Research Publications, Port Harcourt
- Paclerd Press Ltd, Benin City
- Palmwine Publishing, Plateau State
Pan-Atlantic University Press
- Pekan Publishers Ltd, Owerri
- Purple Letter Publishers
- Reamsworth Publishing, Ibadan
- Safari Books, Ibadan
- Saros International Publishers, Port Harcourt
- SCRIBIO Publications, Ibadan
- Spectrum Books Ltd., Ibadan
- University Press, Ibadan
- Urhobo Historical Society, New York & Lagos
Walnut Publishing
- Huza Press, Kigali
- African Renaissance, Dakar
- Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar
- Union for African Population Studies, Dakar-Ponty
South Africa
2C Science Art
- African Minds Publishers, Cape Town
- African Perspectives, Johannesburg
- The African Public Policy and Research Institute, Pretoria
- Afro-Middle East Centre, Johannesburg
- Agency for Social Reconstruction, Johannesburg
- Bhiyoza Publishers, Ennerdale
- Botsotso Publishing, Braamfontein
- Cover2Cover Books, Muizenberg
- Crane River, Cape Town
- Deep South, Makhanda
- Disability Innovations Africa, Cape Town
- Dryad Press, Cape Town
- Gender Links, South Africa
- impepho press, Tshwane
- Hands-On Books, Cape Town
- Institute for Demcoracy in South Africa (IDASA), Cape Town
- Institute for Preservation and Development, Pretoria
- Mail & Guardian, Cape Town
- MaThoko's Books, Johannesburg
- Modjaji Books, Cape Town
- The Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA), Johannesburg
- Mvusi Books, Makhanda
Nagspro Multi-Media
- Natal Society Foundation Trust, Pietermaritzburg
- NISC (Pty) Ltd, Grahamstown
- Short Story Day Africa, Cape Town
- Skeelo Khumalo, Welkom
- South African Association of Public Administration and Management, Pretoria
- Southern African Migration Program, Cape Town
- TNG Publishing, Pietermaritzburg
- Umsinsi Press, Cape Town
- uHanga Poetry Press, Cape Town
- Wobblingearth, Durban
- Andariya, Khartoum
- TTI Publishers, Manzini
AdelPhil Consultancy,
- Dar es Salaam University Press, Dar es Salaam
E&D Vision Publishing Limited
- FGD Tanzania, Dar es Salaam
- Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Dar es Salaam
Readit Books
- Tanzania Educational Publishers, Bukoba
- Tanzania Publishing House, Dar es Salaam
- Andariya, Kampala
- Asante Capital Hub, Kampala
- Driberg Books Limited, Kampala
- Fountain Publishers Ltd., Kampala
- FEMRITE (Uganda Women Writers’ Association), Kampala
Makerere University Press
- Pelican Publishers, Kampala
- Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa, Kampala
- Uganda Martyrs University Book Series, Nkozi
- Bookworld Publishers, Lusaka
- Gadsden Publishers, Lusaka
- The Lembani Trust, Zambia, Lusaka
- Africa Talent Publishers, Masvingo
- amabooks, Bulawayo
- Amagugu Publishers, Bulawayo
- Booklove Publishers, Gweru
- GALZ, Harare
- Joyce Jenje Makwenda Collection Archive, Harare
Ingwaladi Publishers ,Bulawayo
- Legal Resources Foundation, Harare
- Mwanaka Media and Publishing Pvt Ltd, Chitungwiza
- Pigeon Press, Bulawayo
- Southern Africa Printing & Publishing House, Harare
- Southern African Research & Documentation Centre, Harare
- Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute, Harare
- Storytime Promotions, Harare
- University of Zimbabwe Press, Mount Pleasant
- Weaver Press Ltd, Harare
- Zimbabwe Publishing House, Harare
- Bellagio Publishing Network, UK
- Badson Publishing, Germany
- Cissus World Press, USA
- eSwatini, UK
- Get Real Books, UK
- MeaBooks Inc, Canada
- Suba Publishing, UK
The Language Secret, Germany
- Yintab Books (Nigeria), USA