ISBN 9789780309428
Pages 284
Dimensions 203 x 127 mm
Published 2005
Publisher University Press, Nigeria, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Culture and Education in Nigeria

An Historical Analysis

by Samuel Obidi

The primary interests of this work are the links between society and culture; indigenous education and culture; and cultural diversity and western education. Education and culture in Nigeria are situated in historical context, and against a background of a rapidly globalising world, where cultures are drawing close to one another, and the need for tolerance of diversity is paramount.

The study is concerned with preserving and transmitting indigenous culture: the traditional family, modes of social and economic organisation, religious life and moral education; the spread of western education from the nineteenth century; contemporary western cultural hegemony; indigenous and western cultural values; the spread of Arabic cultures, Islam and Islamic education in Nigeria; and means of integrating the various cultural heritages for a sustainable future.

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About the Author

Samuel Obidi

Samuel S. Obidi is Professor of History of Education at Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria.

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