ISBN 9789987082292
Pages 80
Dimensions 297mm x 210mm
Illustrations Colour Illustrations and Colour Photographs
Published 2013
Publisher Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Tanzania
Format Hardback

David Mzuguno: The Last Days of The Master

by Pascal Bogaert

Even during his lifetime, David Mzuguno was widely regarded as one of the leading Tanzanian Tingatinga painters of his generation. He was on the verge of an international breakthrough when he lost his battle to lung cancer at age 59. His final and most successful exhibition was held in Uganda.

This book offers an insight into his last great artistic adventure. Also included with the book is a DVD where David Mzuguno shares his knowledge, abundant artistic talent and refined techniques with his sons and others. In the DVD he takes us on a fascinating three day masterclass where he takes us on a step-by-step walkthrough of his technique as he creates one of his last and most beautiful paintings he ever gave the world: ‘Peacock family’.

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