ISBN 9789956727582
Pages 188
Dimensions 216 x 140 mm
Published 2012
Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
Format Paperback

Divine Bud: Testimonies of God's intervention

by Philip Mutaka

This book presents innovative material on ethnography; more specifically, it exposes events where African individuals deal with the supernatural – such as: reaction to the death of a child whose surgical operation was considered an answer to prayers to God, how African students have dealt with evil spirits in their lives, how African people have experimented the phenomenon of “miracle” with their specific religious background that merges imported religions (Christian and Islam) and their traditional cultural religious beliefs. The material is also of interest to readers concerned with the need for dialogue between religions for the purpose of finding solutions to conflicts arising in the modern world. The book is truly thought-provoking. See for example what happens when a Muslim faces Jesus Christ as recounted in chapter 5. Mevoutsa’s testimony in chapter 6 is a perfect example that exposes the way Africans attached to their traditional cultures believe that God may use tradition healers to manifest his presence among his creatures.

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“This is truly a religious gem, a new Rosetta stone that will strengthen our faith.”

Dr. Francisca Adjei, University of Winneba, Ghana

About the Author

Philip Mutaka

Philip Mutaka is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Yaounde 1. He is author of the Fruit of love, Love and AIDS Prevention and two books on AIDS prevention.

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