ISBN 9789964978600
Pages 112
Dimensions 216 x 140 mm
Published 1999
Publisher Woeli Publishing Services, Ghana
Format Paperback

Ghana. Understanding the People and their Culture

by John Kuada, Yao Chachah

There is little written by Ghanaians to help foreigners understand their culturally prescribed rules of behaviour. This fascinating book offers an introduction to the Ghanaian people and is of use to visitors to Ghana, and those interested in the country and its culture. It covers geography and demography; political history; the economy; religions and customs; institutions and ceremonies that take place at different stages in life; underlying values and rules of behaviour; amusements and festivals; places of interest and guidelines for the good traveller.

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About the Author

John Kuada

John Kuada is Grundfos professor in International Business and Intercultural Management at the Department of Business Studies, Aalborg University, Denmark. In addition to teaching and research, Professor Kuada has an extensive experience as a business consultant and training advisor in areas of management, marketing and cross-border inter-firm relations in Europe and Africa. He is the founder and current editor of African Journal of Economic and Management Studies. 

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