ISBN 9782869780835
Pages 392
Dimensions 229 x 152 mm
Published 1999
Publisher CODESRIA, Senegal
Format Paperback

Governance and Democratisation in West Africa

edited by Dele Olowu

The process of democratisation is under way, it is argued. The vast network of inter-linking social processes - civil society, the media, academia, and public concern with accountability and transparency, which form the bedrock of true democracy - are strengthening. The authors attempt to document and understand the political developments in the West Africa sub-region by analysing the adaptability of the concept of democracy, the legitimacy of the modern nation and the contribution of law, literature, international relations and local government to the democratic process.

Sixteen chapters cover broad thematic issues, democracy in Nigeria and democracy in other West African countries - Francophone West Africa, Sierra Leone, Ghana and The Gambia. The special focus on Nigeria is the result of original research reports submitted to the interdisciplinary study, the Governance and Democratisation Project.

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