ISBN 9789956791637
Pages 418
Dimensions 229 x 152 mm
Published 2013
Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
Format Paperback

Orgasmic Damnation

by Basil Diki

Alarming revelations lie beyond Omega Hudson's twelfth birthday. By descent Indian, by faith mysterious, she is an encyclopaedic, news-making Seventh-Grader with American celebrity parents. Though she is a super-child, her antics are forbidden, but her parents aren't saints either. Yet the girl seems to be the beams of a cruciform, one representing the fulfillment of a Nostradamus prophecy, the other Judgement Day. While blood and gore threaten an awakening diplomatic row between the USA and India, an intolerable religion which began secretly in California rears up its head in New Orleans as its devotees attempt to re-write the future. Will a Police and US Defence joint operation, or an adoption annulment, avert disaster? Or is it too late to cleanse America's stained spiritual and moral fabric?

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About the Author

Basil Diki

Basil Diki, born in Kadoma, Zimbabwe in 1971, is an iconic prolific dramatist who has written, performed and directed numerous plays. In 1988 he pioneered the founding of Rimuka Performing Arts, a theatre company, and in 1991 founded Kadoma Actors and Writers Organisation. He has won several awards for his daring and outstanding dramaturge, notably the 2001 Writing & Publishing Award, Special Mention; Poetry and Drama from the Zimbabwe Book Publishers Association for the play The Tribe of Graves. In 2004 he won the Best Achievement & Production Award from the Zimbabwe Invitational Drama Festival Society for directing his play Behind the Façade. He is an entrepreneur and a freelance Total Quality Management practitioner. Father to a son and two daughters, he still leaves in the City of Kadoma as a celebrated thespian, drama critic and adjudicator.