ISBN 9789970024018
Pages 180
Dimensions 216 x 140 mm
Published 2003
Publisher Fountain Publishers, Uganda
Format Paperback

The Official Wife

by Mary Karooro Okurut

Liz is locked in a meaningless, loveless marriage with a (modern-day) polygamous husband. The second wife, apparently an educated and independent woman, becomes her competitor, and intimacy or tenderness with her husband becomes impossible for her. The author tells the story in a laconic style, and with sharp humour, making observations and criticisms about women's experiences of traditional and modern day marriage and polgamy in Africa, as well as her culture's uncritical reception of western ways. This is a new novel from one of Uganda's most prolific writers and critics.

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'The merciless fashion in which the author pokes fun at the hypocrisy of life, everywhere, makes the reader want to be an instant soulmate...Okurut's brilliance, and her popularity, lie in making such subject matter a pleasure to read.'

African Review of Books

About the Author

Mary Karooro Okurut

Mary Karooro Okurut is a celebrated columnist, a former literature lecturer, and the founder of Uganda Women Writers' Association. She is also a playwright and has published children's literature.

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