ISBN 9780797486898
Pages 76
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2016
Publisher AmaGugu Publishers, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback

Welshman Hadane Mabhena

A Voice for Matabeleland

by Marieke Clarke, Pathisa Nyathi

The late Welshman Hadane Mabhena, was a leading Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) activist, the political party led by Joshua Nkomo. He was among the pioneers of the liberation struggle in Nkayi and Matabeleland North. He faced incarceration in various prisons in Rhodesia. He was detained in Gonakudzingwa near the border with Mozambique. A loud and fearless voice for the voiceless, uMawelishi, as he was affectionately known among his colleagues and admirers, was declared a national hero when he passed on. While the focus of the book is on an individual, Welshman Mabhena, it also illuminates the times, both good and bad, that were an integral part of Welshman Mabhena’s life.

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About the Authors

Marieke Clarke

Marieke Clarke is an educator, a former teacher in Zimbabwe, and was Oxfam’s educational materials editor. She is the author of We are the Original People (Ajanta, 1991).

Pathisa Nyathi

Pathisa Nyathi is a published poet, playwright, historian and biographer. He is a columnist for the Sunday News, Umthunywa, The Sunday Mirror and Sky Host in Zimbabwe. His creative writing appears in the anthology Short Writings from Bulawayo.