ISBN 9780797428973
ePub ISBN 9780797445048
Pages 148
Dimensions 216 x 140 mm
Illustrations B/W Illustrations
Published 2005
Publisher amabooks Publishers, Zimbabwe
Formats Paperback, eBook

Zimbabwe's Cultural Heritage

by Pathisa Nyathi

Zimbabwe's Cultural Heritage won first prize in the Zimbabwe Book Publishers Association Awards in 2006 for Non-fiction: Humanities and Social Sciences. It is a collection of pieces of the culture of the Ndebele, Shona, Tonga, Kalanga, Nambiya, Xhosa and Venda. The book gives the reader an insight into the worldview of different peoples, through descriptions of their history and life events such as pregnancy, marriage and death.

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"...the most enduring book ever on Zimbabwean history. This book will help people change their attitude towards each other in Zimbabwe."

Zimbabwe Book Publishers Association Awards citation

About the Author

Pathisa Nyathi

Pathisa Nyathi is a published poet, playwright, historian and biographer. He is a columnist for the Sunday News, Umthunywa, The Sunday Mirror and Sky Host in Zimbabwe. His creative writing appears in the anthology Short Writings from Bulawayo.

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